Get lunch and benefit the HLF! Come to Lynn's on July 2nd from 10am to 2:30pm. Burgers and brats $6, hot dogs $5, with chips and a drink. All proceeds benefit the Hayward Library Foundation. Thank you, Lynn! Lynn's is at 15695 US Highway 63, Hayward, WI 54843 Click on the title for the flyer!
Kristine Ochu, local author of Campfire Confessions, will be doing a presentation July 13 at the Weiss Community Library at 6pm. She will discuss her journey from log-roller to author. Her presentation is an inter-active, engaging event sure to draw the audience in. Any book sales at the event will benefit the Winged Freedom Raptor Hospital, Ovarian Cancer Awareness, Northwoods Humane Society, and the Hayward Library Foundation. She will also be doing book signings on July 2 at Art Beat from 3-6 pm, and on July 23 at Redbery Books from 11am to 1 pm. Kristine was a finalist for the 2022 Global Woman of the Year given out by the Global Woman Organization which is in over 25 countries with over 20,000 members. They recognize: "Women who are contributing for positive change in the world, women who build communities, and share their talents/skills to help other people." To learn more about Kristine and her book, go to
Ann Larson, assistant director at the Sherman & Weiss Community Library, has received the Wisconsin Library Association’s support staff and circulation services (SSCS) Paralibrarian of the Year Award. The award recognizes the essential role of paralibrarians, including all library support staff who do not have an MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science), in providing excellent library service in Wisconsin. The award also places special emphasis on efforts to further the role of paralibrarians in the library profession. Click on the title of this article to get to the link to the Sawyer County Record article.
The HLF Author's Night was a success thanks to all of you who came out to hear Kerry Casey speak. Hayward Golf Club set out a wonderful appetizer spread, Tom Stocker entertained us as M.C., and Kerry talked about his career, writing, and about several of his books. Thanks again to all!
Hayward Library Foundation is the recipient of a gift of $1,100 from Rabbi Jeff and Mindy Glickman. This amazing couple dedicate their time to giving, and teaching others the power of giving. They looked at all they had and decided they could do with 15% less. They then invested that 15% in people because the "returns are greater". They picked 2,000 libraries across the country and gave each $100. HLF was subsequently picked to receive an additional $1,000. The life lessons they pass on to others: We are all in this together, giving locally is so powerful, and a little support goes a long way. Please read more about their philosophy of giving and their GLeE tour of the U.S. (GLeE is Give Locally Everywhere) by clicking on And thank them by making your own local donation.